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​​​Sponsored Students will receive the following benefits:

  • ​Payment of academic and enrolment fees.
  • Attractive monthly salary.​
  • Membership in the company’s Healthcare plan.
  • Group life and personal insurance coverage for accidents.
  • Annual book allowance.
  • Eid Allowances.​
  • Incentive rewards for high performance.
  • Graduation bonus.
  • Internship opportunity during summer vacation.

In addition to the above benefits, the following incentive and rewards are applicable for students studying abroad:

  • ​Monthly overseas allowances.
  • Economy travel ticket and other concessional tickets, in accordance with the Energy Sector Scholarship policy.
  • Mobilization allowance (a moving allowance given to those starting University outside of Qatar).
  • Demobilization allowance (a moving allowance given to those returning to Qatar after successful completion of studies).​​​