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To fulfill the Energy Sector’s growing demands in the technical and administrative fields by providing trained and well-qualified Qatari employees, through offering a variety of globally recognized vocational programs for the young Qataris to implement in technical and administrative jobs at QatarEnergy and its subsidiaries. ​

Core Business

  • ​Recruitment, selection, enrollment and induction of new trainees for the Diploma Program, Technician Certificate Program and Fire​ Program.
  • Managing the recruitment a​nd enrollment of nominated Staff on Academic Studies for the Diploma Program.
  • Allocating new trainees to subsidiary companies and QatarEnergy departments.
  • Monitoring the academic performance of trainees and Staff on Academic Studies.
  • Arranging workplace learning.


​Technician Certificate Program (TCP)


The Technician Certificate Program (TCP) enhances the Strategic Qatarization plan of the State of Qatar by providing a competent national workforce. It prepares Qatari secondary school graduates undertake Technician jobs at ​QatarEnergy , its subsidiaries, and its affiliates in the following areas of specialization:

  • Process Plant Operation
  • Mechanical
  • Electrical 
  • Instrumentation 

Program Duration: 

Total of 110 Weeks (Approx. 2 Years) depending on the student's English language and performance.

Trainees recruited in the program are provided with extensive English language and Mathematics in the Foundation Program (30 weeks). In addition, a Technical Phase I (15 weeks) and Familiarization (3 weeks) before receiving a job offer from QatarEnergy, its subsidiaries and its affiliates. Upon the completion of the Technical Phase I and signing the employment contract, students will be assigned in Technical Phase II (37 weeks) followed by On-job Training (24 weeks) in the selected company.

Program Structure:

This qualifies them for any one of the following certificates which enables them to fulfill the position as a Mechanical, Electrical or Instrument Technician or as a Process Plant Operator.
  • Technician Certificate Program - Electrical
  • Technician Certificate Program -Instrument
  • Technician Certificate Program -Mechanical
  • Technician Certificate Program -Process Plant Operations

Intake Criteria for Qatari:

Academic requ​irements:

  • High School Certificate with a minimum overall score of 50% validated by Ministry of Education and Higher Education.
  • Pass the English (Oxford Online Placement Test -OOPT) and Math test.

General requirements:

  • Availability of Demand.
  • A Qatari not older than 30 years old.
  • Pass the QatarEnergy Medical Test.
  • Finalized recruitment clearances from CEID, Ministry of Labor (MOL), Ministry of interior (MOI) and as well as National Service Clearance (Qatari male trainees only). 
  • Pass the Interview.
  • Accept the allocated department and location.

Children of Qatari F​emale: ​

  • Not older than 25 years.​
  • High School certificate with a minimum overall score of 60% validated by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education.
  • Pass the Oxford Online Placement Test (OOPT) with a level of Foundation Level - 2.
  • Pass the Interview.
  • Accept to work in any location of QatarEnergy or Energy Sector companies.

Expat Born in Qatar: ​

  • Not older than 25 years.
  • High School certificate with a minimum overall score of 60% with period of study at least 3 years (Year 10,11 &12) validated by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education.
  • Pass the Oxford Online Placement Test (OOPT) with a level of Foundation Level - 2.
  • Pass the Interview.
  • Accept to work in any location of QatarEnergy or Energy Sector companies.​

Diploma Programs (DP)


This program aims to prepare male and female applicants with basic skills to pursue career opportunities in the energy sector. This program covers several Technical and Non-Technical disciplines as per QatarEnergy 's yearly demand.

Program Duration: 

A 2-year program that qualifies students to obtain a diploma from a college in Qatar.

Intake Criteria for Qatari:

Academic requ​ir​​​ements:

  • High School Certificate with a minimum overall score of 65% validated by Ministry of Education and Higher Education.​
  • A valid IELTS score of 5.0 (All bands of the test should not be less than 5.0) or a score of English level 3 in the UDST placement test or equivalent.

General requ​ire​​​​​ments:

  • Availability of Demand.
  • A Qatari not older than 21 years old.
  • Pass the QatarEnergy Medical Test.
  • Finalized recruitment clearances from CEID, Ministry of Labor (MOL), Ministry of interior (MOI) and as well as National Service Clearance (Male only).​ ​
  • Pass the Interview.
  • Accept the allocated department and location.​​​